About Counselling

What is counselling?

Many people find it helpful to talk with a counsellor in a private and confidential setting, exploring whatever difficulty or distress they may be experiencing. In this setting, there is an opportunity to talk about feelings and behaviours, difficulties in coping, think about choices, consider whether and how to make changes.

It is a process that offers a safe space and one in which a therapeutic relationship is developed, which the client will experience as offering acceptance, support and empathy.

This work with clients is based on an ethos of respect for clients, their values, their beliefs, their uniqueness and their right to self-determination.

Counselling approaches each individual with an awareness of social and cultural influences such as age, development, (dis)ability, religion, cultural identity, indigenous identity, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, nationality and gender. Professional counsellors value such differences and avoid discrimination on the basis of these aspects of identity.

The work may be short-term or long-term, depending on the nature of the difficulties.

Counsellors work in a variety of contexts in the public and private sectors.

All professional counsellors are required to have ongoing clinical supervision and professional development. This is because self-awareness, self-development, self-monitoring and self-examination are regarded as central to effective and ethical practice.

What can counselling help with?

  • difficulties in coping
  • stress
  • anxiety
  • depression
  • dealing with emotional or practical difficulties

and these can be related to loss, work, relationships or other issues.

If you are wanting

  • to discover and create change,
  • manage change,
  • cope with change.

What type of counselling is offered?

Person-Centred (also known as Rogerian or Client-Centred counselling).

This is based on the view that everyone has the capacity and desire for personal growth and change, given the right conditions. Rather than being seen as the expert and directing the therapy, the counsellor works with the client, creating conditions that help the client develop and grow in their own way, in the direction they want to.

MBACP Member of the British Association of Counsellors & Psychotherapists

I work within the BACP Code of Conduct and Ethics.